Before beginning therapy, it can be hard to see what you will gain from spending time with a professional and working through difficult habits. Therapy can look different for every individual. Because each person has unique experiences, the benefit from therapy will look different from person to person. It especially depends on how much work the patient puts in as well.
When work is put in and you find a good therapist, you can benefit from therapy in multiple ways. Below are some specific benefits that can come from working with a therapist.
1- Manage Mental Illness
Working with a therapist will get you better access to medication and mental health resources. Meeting with a therapist also gives you an outside perspective on your stressors. A good therapist can provide you with outside resources and prescription medications that can drastically improve your mental illness symptoms while living in a chaotic.
2- Improved Romantic Relationships
Another benefit that many people find from therapy is improved relationships. Working on your past trauma and learning to better communicate will give you more resources to work through issues in your relationship. Romantic relationships can experience trials and financial strain that can be hard to work through. Doing couples therapy can help make these emotional trials a little easier to handle.
Family therapy or individual therapy can help members work through trauma or grief and form stronger bonds. Dealing with loss or hurt can impact how close you feel to family members, so a benefit from therapy is being able to mend or change your relationship.
3- Coping Skills
In individual therapy, the therapist is focused solely on you, which helps them to understand you better. Therapists can help you learn your triggers or what situations may set you on a rocky path and then give you tools or coping strategies. Learning coping strategies or other skills will help you handle tough situations when you can’t be with your therapist. Life can change quickly, so having ways to calm yourself or help you refocus is essential.

4- Self-Awareness
You may have heard the saying “The first step is admitting you have a problem.” In therapy, you will gain more self-awareness about habits and rituals that are harmful. Self-awareness is a benefit from therapy that many people don’t see as a benefit. Learning about yourself can be hard, especially if you are breaking bad habits or learning about how you can possibly hurt others. Self-awareness will help you be a better friend or partner.
5- Improved Sleep
A physical manifestation of anxiety, trauma, or PTSD is low-quality sleep or nightmares. Working through your trauma or getting on medication can help improve your sleep. Therapy can give you another perspective on life and help you become unstuck, which can help your brain form new neural connections that affect your sleep.
Sleep is important for mental and physical health. It helps limit fatique and helps you grow. Getting better sleep can bring more benefits than you may realize. Sleep reduces stress and lowers your cortisol levels.
6- Better Communication Skills
Many of the other benefits of therapy we have discussed also help you develop better communication skills. Communicating may seem like something that comes with learning to talk, but having quality communication takes work. Therapy will help you learn to accurately express your feelings, share your opinions without anger, and work through differences with your partner.
Communication skills also come when you talk with and communicate with others. Group therapy or family therapy can help many different people communicate better with each other and learn what different patterns of communication exist.
7- Feel Empowered
As you learn more about yourself and gain more confidence in your skills, you will feel empowered. A benefit from therapy is the ability to have confidence and self-love while still recognizing that we all have challenges. It is empowering to know that you can make it through hard times and come out a better person.
8- Build Healthy Habits
Therapy can help us learn what habits are helping us and which ones are harming us. A therapist can help you work through bad habits and improve them to make your life more well-rounded. Habits are hard to break, but having multiple people to hold you accountable, especially a therapist, will make it easier.

9- Break Family Cycles
If your family has a history of abuse, addiction, divorce, neglect, or mental illness, you are more predisposed to these issues. Seeking individual or couples counseling early on in your life can help you break vicious cycles that have occurred in your family for generations. Therapists notice bad habits or signs of the cycles and can help stop them before you fall into that cycle.
A benefit from therapy is the ability to avoid many different trials by taking just one action. Working in therapy can help you improve relationships and communication, which in turn can help you avoid family cycles. Even if that wasn’t your ultimate goal when starting therapy.
Therapy From Red Willow Counseling And Recovery
Our counselors and therapists can help patients overcome many different issues. Red Willow has two locations to better serve Utah residents and give them access to resources that could be life-saving. Contact our Salt Lake or Park City office to learn what openings we have available and how our experts can help you.